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  • Writer's pictureCody

4 Tips To Stop A Binge Before It Starts

Binge eating is a legitimate medical disorder that is challenging to recover from. Even if you don't have BED, you may struggle with weight loss and give into temptation from time to time, setting off a series of behaviors and indulgences that compromise all your hard work. Thankfully, there are many ways to curb the emotional or physical cravings you experience. Experts recommend several ways to help you maintain focus on your health and weight loss goals.

1. Distract Yourself

People do not start a binge with a plan; it just happens. You may crave something sweet or have a bad day, and suddenly you lose control. Still, before you lose control, there is likely a moment you consider your options. Professionals encourage you to take that moment and find a distraction. Some distractions include:

  • Going for a walk

  • Taking a drive

  • Calling a friend

  • Reading a book

2. Avoid Temptation

Nutritionists recommend only stocking up on healthy foods and drinks in your home. If you keep unhealthy options outside the house, you have to take several extra steps before you can binge. The additional work gives you more time to consider the consequences, which can often be motivation enough to maintain control.

3. Build a Support System

Everyone needs a support system. You need compassionate and empathetic friends around you, people who understand what you are going through and won't judge you. Your support group can be close friends or relatives or an actual group where you can connect with an experienced sponsor.

4. Get Active

Exercise is not only a weight loss tool but also a mental health tool. Exercise increases endorphins and can help you feel more positive about your choices. Also, exercise can act as a distraction when you get cravings. The main idea behind exercising when you experience cravings is learning to replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones.

You don't have to be alone on your weight loss journey. Millions of people deal with weight concerns and can relate to you. Consult your doctor if you want more information on support groups or binge-avoidance tips.


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