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  • Writer's pictureCody

The 4 Best Natural Remedies To Beat Gas And Bloating

Tired of taking pills every meal because of gas? It’s time to look for a better solution — a natural solution. You don’t have to look far. Many of Mother Nature’s tastiest ingredients can help you give bloating the boot.

1. Peppermint Tea: Fast-Acting Muscle Relaxation

When gas strikes, you want relief ASAP. Try a cup of warm peppermint tea for bloating. Peppermint leaves can relax the muscles in your stomach and intestines.

Kiss those sharp, painful gut spasms goodbye. Peppermint also makes it easier for you to pass gas. It feels so good to let it out.

2. Cumin: The Ideal Spice for Gas-Causing Foods

Cumin is a popular spice in India, Mexico, Latin America, and South America. It appears in tacos, refried beans, curries and stews. Pairing this flavorful spice with beans, meats and other gassy foods may not be a coincidence.

Scientists discovered that cumin has an amazing effect on digestive enzymes, proteins that break down your food. Cumin gives your body a digestive boost, telling your gut, “Beans incoming! Release more enzymes!”

Beans cause bloating because they’re not easy to digest. When they hit your intestine undigested, they start to ferment and unleash tons of gas. With cumin’s enzyme boost, though, the stomach can work harder and prevent gas in the first place.

3. Ginger: All-Around Superstar for Digestion

Whether you cook with it or make some aromatic tea, ginger is phenomenal for your digestive system. A special ginger antioxidant called gingerol provides many

benefits for your gut:

  • Speeding up digestion

  • Alleviating nausea

  • Helping with morning sickness during pregnancy

  • Preventing constipation

  • Reducing inflammation

4. Probiotics: Long-Term Relief From Gas

If you frequently have trouble with bloating after eating, probiotics can help you digest many foods better. This isn’t surprising. After all, probiotics are literally positive bacteria for your gut.

Building a healthy intestinal microbiome takes time, so probiotics don’t provide gas relief instantly. Instead, they give you long-term results so you can enjoy meals again. Probiotic supplements are a breeze for busy families and provide a wide variety of good bacteria.


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