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6 Ways To Limit Nausea When Taking Multivitamins

From the time people are toddlers, they learn that taking a daily multivitamin is necessary for a healthy life. While such dietary supplements are excellent complements to modern diets, they do not always agree with every system.

Many people become queasy when taking vitamins, especially those with specific digestive conditions like peptic ulcers or gastritis. However, other people might be sensitive to some ingredients, such as iron or calcium.

Thankfully, there are some things you can try to limit or eliminate upset stomach brought on by vitamin and mineral supplements. While nothing is a guaranteed fix, many people have succeeded in implementing six dietary practices.

1. Try Easy-To-Digest Vitamins

If you find vitamin supplements upset your stomach, one of the most straightforward switches you can make is to switch from standard tablets to easy-to-digest formulas. Because of the binding agents used on tablets, they are harder to digest. Better options for easier digestion include dissolvable, powder, chewable, or gummy vitamins.

2. Take With Food

The biggest mistake people make is taking vitamins on an empty stomach. It is often routine for people to take vitamins first thing in the morning before eating breakfast and after they spend the entire night fasting.

Taking supplements on an empty stomach can upset the GI tract, resulting in stomach pains, diarrhea, and nausea. The best way to avoid such problems is to eat first. If you do not like eating first thing in the morning, take your vitamins in the afternoon or evening with lunch or dinner.

3. Reduce Dose

While most multivitamins and supplements come in a single dose format, you do not have to take the entire dose simultaneously. Many people with sensitive stomachs will benefit from splitting the dose, taking half in the morning and the rest in the evening.

The easiest way to split a dose is to take vitamins requiring two or more pills, gummies, etc. However, a powder form also makes cutting the dose in half easy.

4. Eat a Vitamin-Rich Diet

Many people undervalue the role diet plays in getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Dietary supplements are not designed to take over for a quality diet. If you consume a healthy diet, you more than likely receive most of your vitamin and nutrient requirements without the assistance of a supplement.

5. Don't Take Before Exercise

One of the worst things you can do when taking vitamins is to take them before exercising. If you take a supplement and then work out, you might suffer the consequences of gastric acid production, worsening heartburn or reflux symptoms. When you take a vitamin, it is best to allow your stomach to settle and digest it before doing any moderate or intense workouts.

6. Watch Your Intake

Your body only requires so much of each vitamin and mineral. Taking too many vitamins or supplements can lead to nausea.

You must factor the vitamins that come from food into your tracking. Most of your daily requirements will stem from dietary choices and not supplements.

While it is necessary to keep up with nutritional intake, dietary supplements like multivitamins can cause gastric distress or nausea. If the above tips do not work for you, consider talking to your primary doctor about other options for getting the nutritional requirements you need.


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